แบบฝึกอ่านภาษาไทย เล่ม ๓ app for iPhone and iPad
First release : 14 Dec 2011
App size: 78.09 Mb
+ Learning final consonants in the word-ending protocols: -ng (แม่กง, mae gong); -n (แม่กน, mae gon); -m (แม่กม, mae gom); -y (แม่เกย, mae geuy); -w (แม่เกอว, mae geuw); -k (แม่กก, mae gok); -t (แม่กด, mae got); and -p (แม่กบ, mae gop)
+ Perfect for pre-kindergarten to fourth-grade
+ Listening to the pronunciation of each word by tapping on the word
This application is ideal for preschool children to start to practice reading Thai and also for kindergarten through fourth-grade students. The content is about combination of final consonants in the word-ending protocols which are -ng, -n, -m, -y, -w, -k, -t and -p sounds. Young learners can practice reading words and sentences, and importantly, they can also listen to the word’s pronunciation. In addition, there are illustrations for kids to learn the things around them as well as considering the meaning of words where a combination of final consonant is made. These will help children read Thai fluently and have a strong foundation in learning Thai in the future.
Table of Contents
+ Combination of final consonants
+ The ‘ng’ ending sound (mae gong)
+ The ‘n’ ending sound (mae gon)
+ The ‘m’ ending sound (mae gom)
+ The ‘y’ ending sound (mae geuy)
+ The ‘w’ ending sound (mae geuw)
+ The ‘k’ ending sound (mae gok)
+ The ‘t’ ending sound (mae got)
+ The ‘p’ ending sound (mae gop)
Able to use on iPad, iPhone, iPhone5, iPod Touch